

Kleptomania is an ustoppable desire for stealing things

Individuals with this disorder feel the urge to alienate the things that usually have little or no value such as pens, packs of sugar, paper clips, little shampoo bottles from hotel rooms, etc. Some of their actions are not even aware of.Disorder usually begins in adolescence and persists into old age.

Individuals with that kind of disorders, can be kids, homeless people, even POLITICIANS! In our case, the president of Czech Republic, Vaclav Klaus ( the guy with the white mustache and a glass of fresh Pilsner Urquell in the hand) who alienate a pen during an international agreement with the president of Chile..


Koki said...

kai leme tous dikous mas kleftes!
alaksa gnomi oi tsexi ine mprosta.

Transmetropol said...

προτιμω τσεχους..αλλα και παλι τι ΓΥΦΤΟς !!!